The Girl Behind the Blog


 Hey everyone, so I just realised that I never really did an intro blog post on this. I just assumed everyone knew me but as I have gained more followers over the last little while I thought I would re-introduce myself. 

Ok, let's go back to the start. My name is Jamie Walsh. I'm a 24 year old girl from a little city in the south east of Ireland called Waterford. I only have one sibling, which is my sister Robyn ( I know, Jamie and Robyn are boys names). She's nearly 19. 

Currently I am in college in Waterford College of Furture Eduction studying beauty therapy, which I have just started my second year. While I am on the subject of college, WCFE was not the first college I attended. In 2009, I sat my leaving cert and that September I started college in WIT, studying business. Why I started a business course I will never know. I never studied business in school. I kept at the course for the first year and then I dropped out as I had no interest in doing it. So I took a year out and work in Tk Maxx, where I am still working part time. During my year out I did a night course in WCFE, in hairdressing. And to be fair I enjoyed it. So I went on to start a full time course in hairdressing but unfortunately after Christmas I had become very ill. I was diagnosed with depression. So I then had to leave college. But I was given a second chance to go back to college that September and I did, for 4 weeks. And once again I ended up dropping out (Keep reading, it does get better). 

Ok, so by then I had dropped out of college three time and was diagnosed with depression. Then I thought I had found the light at the end of tunnel. I became a team leader in work. Which I actually did enjoy. I worked as a team leader for around 18 months and then decided that it just wasn't me. I dropped back to working on the shop floor. So I had a bit of spare time on my hands and decided I would try the introduction to beauty therapy in WCFE. And I LOVED it!

(Now this is where my story gets a little bit better).

I applied for the full time course in WCFE and I got in. I finally found what I want to do (I think). So May just gone I sat my end of year exams and thankfully I passed them all! This was a huge thing for me, as you all know now, because I never actually finished a full year of college. To say I was proud of myself was an understatement. So now I am into my second year and I am loving it all so much already. Finally. 

Right that's enough about college for now. A few people have asked me why did I set up my blog. Well, the reason I set it up was because I wanted to share the ups and downs that I am going to face on this road I am currently on. I want to speak about my own mental health and mental health in general. I want to talk about the industry I am currently training in. I want to talk about everyday life. My blog is for me to express myself. I know a lot of people say this, but it's not to get a million followers, to be in a popularity contest with people or to get free stuff. And that's the truth. I want to help people as much as I can. Whether that be a blog post about anxiety or a silly little photo to share. 

As most people already know, my dad passed away this month. Dad was my biggest advocate for my blog and when he passed away I was going to give up on it. But I haven't. He would of wanted me to continue with it and help as many people as I could. 

My blog is called "Grey skies and silver linings" and the reason I picked that name was because I had gone through a lot in my life and even though I haven't had an easy time, I'm still here. And that is or should I said was my "silver lining". But my blog now has a total different meaning for me. My dad is now my "silver lining". 

And that's it folks! I don't want to bore you guys anymore. That's basically my life in a little summary. So I hope you have a better insight into the girl behind the blog. 

Thanks for reading. 
J x

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