ITS CHRISTMAS!- My Christmas Tag


It's December, so it's time to get into the festive spirit! Thanks to Emma over at Mastering Your Makeup for my Christmas tag post. I've finally sat down to do it and I am so excited.

1. What is your favorite Christmas movie/s?

Wow this is a hard one. If I had to pick two I think it would be "The Nightmare Before Christmas" and "Miracle on 34th Street". Two completely different films but they are both so good. This year I am being made watch "Home Alone" because I have never seen any of the home alones. I know, I know, madness right? But Craig is making me watch them this year so I hope their as amazing as people are telling me.

2. Do you open your presents on Christmas eve or Christmas morning?

Every Christmas eve my mam lets me and my sister open one present from her. which is always matching PJs. Even though I'm 24 and Robyn is nearly 19, it never gets old. But this year I wont be coming home Christmas eve so our little tradition is different this year. But Mam is going to give me my PJs Christmas eve so I still get to wear them. 

3. Do you have a favorite Christmas memory? 

To be honest every memory of Christmas I have is one to remember. Each special in it's own way. I guess last Christmas is a memory I'll cherish as it was my last Christmas with my dad. Even though nothing out of the ordinary happened it was just spending that time with him.

4. Favorite Christmas food.

Aw, hands down my nanny's sherry trifle. Amazing! The women knows how to make it just right, with the right amount of alcohol. Christmas dinner is definitely my favorite meal of the whole year and again my nanny knows how to cook an incredible feast.

5. Favorite Christmas gift.

Easy! My favorite Christmas gift was my pony. Yes, my pony. Smokey Bullet. I loved this pony so much. Santa was good to me that Christmas. When I went out to see Smokey Christmas morning, he was in the stable with a red ribbon around him. Best.Christmas.Ever!

6. Favorite Christmas scent.

I love the smell of spiced apple candles. It always reminds me of Christmas. But one smell that I love is when my nanny started baking her Christmas cake. The house used to smell amazing while the cake was baking in the oven. Unfortunately, nanny stopped making them this year, but i'll always remember that smell.

7. Do you have any Christmas eve traditions? 

Every Christmas eve my sister and me open one present from mam, which is the matching PJ's. Then we both sleep in either my room or Robyn's and watch the Father Ted Christmas Special. We have done it for years. Think this year we will have to face time each other while we are watching it. X

8. What tops your tree? 

For years here in my dads, we had a yellow star that has been around since I was born. It broke last year, so now its a red star with loads of glitter.

9. As a kid, what was the one extravagant gift you asked for but never got? 

I can't think of anything extravagant but I always wanted Sylvanian Families. But Santa always forgot. I still would love them now.

10. Whats the best part of Christmas for you? 

The best part of Christmas for me is seeing my family. Getting to spend time with them is great. Especially when we all have such hectic lives, its nice to see each other and catch up.

This Christmas for me and Robyn will be hard and different because we wont have our dad. But we have each other and fantastic people around us. & I'm sure dad will be having a ball up there this year with his loved ones.

Thanks for reading guys :)
Hope everyone has a fab December!

J x

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